close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/usr/local/svn/deb2-client does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Version 1 (modified by Adam, 16 years ago) (diff)


This document describes obsolete API used in older DEBVisDic versions. For current API, see DEBVisDic API.

Getting the list of available dictionaries for the user

Request: servername/doc?action=init

Response: JSON encoded hash with following structure

  "slovniky" => {
    ''client_package_id'' => {
      "id"    => ''client package id'',
      "dict"  => ''dictionary code'',
      "prava" => ''access rights r/w'',
      "nazov" => ''package name'',
      "dicslookup" => ''array of package names to allow lookups to'',
      "eqtags" => ''array of eqtags+dictionaries'',
      "dicsreload" => ''array of dictionaries to refresh'',
      "key" => ''dictionary key tag''