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Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of WebAdminInterface

Jan 29, 2008, 2:52:41 PM (16 years ago)



  • WebAdminInterface

    v29 v30  
    105105== Import dictionary ==
    107 Imports data from a file into dictionary database. File must be present on the server beforehand (you can upload it using web interface). Enter path to the file and select dictionary. If you want to delete all the data from the dictionary before importing, check the box ''delete original data''. Otherwise, previous data will be left intact and entries with the same IDs won't be imported, only new entries will be imported. You can select ''read method'' for file parsing (''grep'' is recommended as it is much quicker) - ''grep'' reads one entry at the time from file using regular expression and then parse each entry, ''parser'' tries to parse the whole file as XML and then selects entries. Import progress is logged and last 20 lines of the log files are displayed continuously.
     107Imports data from a file into dictionary database. File must be present on the server beforehand (you can upload it using web interface). Enter path to the file and select dictionary. If you want to delete all the data from the dictionary before importing, check the box ''delete current data''. The ''overwrite entries'' checkbox defines what to do, when entry already stored in database is imported. If checked, existing entry will be overwritten with the new one, otherwise current entry will be left intact. You can select ''read method'' for file parsing (''grep'' is recommended as it is much quicker) - ''grep'' reads one entry at the time from file using regular expression and then parse each entry, ''parser'' tries to parse the whole file as XML and then selects entries. Import progress is logged and last 20 lines of the log files are displayed continuously.
    109109Note: before importing the data, stop all services that use affected dictionary.